Wild Writers’ Gallery
Wild Writing comes from the heart, little nuggets of gold sometimes buried deeply, sometimes not, but always seeking air.
Read some of the nuggets that were polished after class by our Wild Writers.

The light breeze moves me to look once more out my window to the marsh grasses rippling in its wake. My eyes though are drawn back to the tiny nest sitting on my desk. It is a marvel. I found it on my driveway the other day. Likely fallen from the live oak leafing out overhead. There were no shattered egg shells nearby so I am hopeful it has done its job already and fallen only after the tiny birds have flown. It is a marvel. I already said that, but it is true. Barely a couple inches across it is beautifully bowl like with long thin hair-like strands wrapped and woven, tufted out with bits of down pulled from the mother’s own body and studded with flecks of green gray lichen – whose use I do not know. It sits on my desk and helps me to marvel at the world – isn’t that what we are tasked with? To see what is offered up and delight in it. This morning as I weeded the grass and dollar weed out of my vegetable patch, I found a few golden potatoes where the plants had gone – another marvel – the dirt, the sun, the water doing their thing and me here to marvel and be delighted. Which is good just now in this oh so undelightful world, my daughter sad, worried about work, my nephew just admitted to the hospital and, and and……. I am here with lovely humans, listening to a lovely poem and the sun is still doing her work and the birds continue on their rounds and I am grateful.
— Sue Jones